Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Free Ebook How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

Free Ebook How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

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How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

Free Ebook How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

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How Does My Garden Grow?, by Gerda Muller

From School Library Journal

K-Gr 3—This warm story of a child's summer at her grandparents' French country farm lovingly describes basic gardening techniques. As Sophie and Granddad John work together, city girl Sophie learns how to prepare a plot and then plants seeds, waters them, and watches the seedlings grow into productive plants. She helps harvest and eat the peas, radishes, and green beans that come from her garden instead of a supermarket. Fresh colors abound in the illustrations of Sophie, her grandparents, and her new friends. Creatures important to gardeners—birds, butterflies, bees, rabbits, bats, moles, worms, slugs, snails, and grubs—are beautifully pictured, as are the vegetables harvested throughout the summer. Sophie helps with autumn garden chores and late harvests as well as winter preparations during weekend visits. When spring comes again, Sophie creates a garden on her balcony with a friend. This combination of engaging story and gardening information will delight and teach readers.—Frances E. Millhouser, formerly at Fairfax County Public Library, VA

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'If your children think they would like to have a vegetable garden this spring, How Does My Garden Grow?, written and illustrated by Gerda Muller, shows how gardening can be an adventure with feasts to behold as vegetables mature and reach edible size. The story is accompanied and bordered by all sorts of instructive, labeled drawings and lists of all things gardening, very entertaining and informative.'– Vermont Country Sampler 'This warm story of a child's summer at her grandparents' French country farm lovingly describes basic gardening techniques. As Sophie and Granddad John work together, city girl Sophie learns how to prepare a plot and then plants seeds, waters them, and watches the seedlings grow into productive plants... Fresh colours abound in the illustrations of Sophie, her grandparents, and her new friends. Creatures important to gardeners – birds, butterflies, bees, rabbits, bats, moles, worms, slugs, snails, and grubs – are beautifully pictured, as are the vegetables harvested throughout the summer... [a] combination of engaging story and gardening information will delight and teach readers.'– School Library Journal 'A bright book to teach children where our food comes from.'– Juno Magazine 'The illustrations of vegetables are easy to recognise and name – and the recipes simple and look delicious!'– Kindling Magazine 'It's a wonderful book which my daughter loved and started reading immediately. It's colourful and educational, yet written in a very simple and easy to understand language. It is split in a few sections, each one offering interesting advice about planting your own garden and caring for it. The story is simple and a lot of kids could project themselves into the book character, Sophie.'– Green Kiddie blog

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Product details

Age Range: 4 - 7 years

Grade Level: 1 - 2

Hardcover: 36 pages

Publisher: Floris Books (March 15, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1782500375

ISBN-13: 978-1782500377

Product Dimensions:

11.8 x 0.4 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#86,096 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Muller's book features beautiful, detailed, and accurate pictures of common and not so common garden plants, tools, and activities. My almost 5 year old little gardener loves it, both for the simple story and all the additional details about plants and how we care for them, although I think the target audience is probably a little older, maybe 5-10 year olds. The story is very simple, a little girl who lives in a big city visits her rural grandparents for the summer. Grandpa teaches her all about gardening and she interacts with neighbors and friends in the garden. She returns for a visit in the fall/winter and notices the seasonal changes to the garden.Like all of Gerta Muller's books I've read, this one incorporates pictures of characters of different races, ages and abilities even without diversity being a central theme of the story.It is written/translated in British/European English, so there are just a few words or terms that aren't exactly equivalent to North American terms. For example, what I would call "beets" are labelled "beetroot", and there's a few tools that are mentioned that are less common or go by a different name in North America. This is not in the least problematic in understanding the book, and has in fact lead to a couple interesting conversations with my preschooler about how language is different in different places.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Our nine year old wants to start a vegetable garden and got this book for her birthday. Her younger siblings (7 and 4) love it as much as she does. It has detailed illustrations and interesting information. Not a handbook for gardening, but certainly inspiring and educating.

Fantastic book! Gorgeous illustrations and so much useful information. My 1.5 year old son loves it!! We compare the veggies in the book with those that grow in our yard or that we have in the fridge. He is really into it!

We all love this book. Great for all seasons and the illustrations are excellent with attention to details. Relatable for city kids or farm kids.

good teaching

I bought this for my boys for Christmas and we all really enjoy it. It's a simple story incorporating a lot of garden information. Beautiful art as expected from Gerda Muller. Also check out her Garden in the City book.

This is one of those books that I just want to look at over and over again. It's more than a story--it's a visual experience, textbook, and children's story all rolled into one! I would happily keep it on my coffee table all year if my kids didn't squabble over who gets to look at it! Full of gorgeous illustrations that accurately depict the "families" of vegetables and how to plant, care, and harvest them. It includes so much useful information as part of the story and as tidbits on the side. It is also a generously sized book--perfect for a classroom or for reading to a group of children. It's about 12x14 or so.

One of my family's favorite books. All of Gerda Muller's books are lovely, informative and imaginative. My boys (3 & 6) love reading them.

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