Kamis, 02 April 2015

PDF Ebook , by Anna Pasternak

PDF Ebook , by Anna Pasternak

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, by Anna Pasternak

, by Anna Pasternak

, by Anna Pasternak

PDF Ebook , by Anna Pasternak

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, by Anna Pasternak

Product details

File Size: 51562 KB

Print Length: 368 pages

Publisher: Atria Books (March 5, 2019)

Publication Date: March 5, 2019

Sold by: Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#17,325 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Prince Edward and Wallis Simpson. Either a Shakespearean farce or a tragedy from beginning to end.I have always held some skepticism and admittedly a few prejudices towards Wallis and Edward and their so called fairytale romance. The man who gave up his kingship for the woman he loved.Pasternak paints a different picture from what I was used to and I must admit to being touched, particularly at Wallis' last days and the pettiness of the court in not letting her be referred to as HRH in those latter years.Embattled on all sides, determined to marry Wallis, Edward steamed ahead and to some extent his bluff was called. I did shed some tears at the end struck by the misery that Wallis, a perectionist was forced to endure. And I did admire that Edward refused a morganatic marriage. He wanted to be honest with his subjects and true to his idea of marriage. Pasternak won me a tad more to Edwards side with that revelation.The abdication seems to entail a complexity of situations, missed opportunities, and misjudgement on all sides. As it's told, Baldwin didn't want Edward to be king and the intelligence community also had their doubts about him. Winston Churchill wanted him to hang in there. The royal courtiers are blamed as are the Queen Mother and Elizabeth for the continued angst and pettiness towards the couple. I understand why the Royal Elizabeth's were cross enough to cut Edward off the Christmas list, and why. Wallis was obviously 'that woman.'So Pasternak had me examining my feelings towards Wallis and Edward, and even the idea of them being Nazi sympathizers was questioned, although being self absorbed was not! From Pasternak 's point of view they were just being used. And yet they were close friends of Diana Mosley and the Mitford sisters, met with Hitler and some of his henchman. In fact Edward delighted in the way he and Wallis were treated royally on their visit to Germany. And it seems Edward really only wanted to speak German. He admired them and apparently even after the generosity of the French Government towards the couple, Edward still mostly spoke in German. Edward just doesn't come across as being empathetic to the times and occasions. Self absorption is a way of life.However the normal man in the street loved him. They felt understood by him. The reports of his meetings with the workers paint an admirable picture.I still maintain that if Wallis was as canny as indicated, she would have known what was going on, or did Wallis and Edward live too much in their own little cocooned world with its secretive language and endless letters. And oh my, the money Edward spent on jewelry for Wallis!Wallis however still remains an enigma. Did she really just go along for the ride until she found herself in so deep she couldn't get out?I must say though I was enthralled by the fashion discussionsAnything cut on the bias always says sleek and stylish to me, and Wallis was definitely a fashion diva.There's some great reported throwaway lines by the couple.In this day and age their actions wouldn't have turned a hair. But back in the 1930's they scandalized the rest of the world, and the English nation, when the press finally stopped being gentlemanly.So where am I? I still don't like them, but I had moments of being sorry for them and the choices they made. Choices that dug them into a hole a little deeper each time.Am I glad Edward didn't remain as king. Yes, despite Pasternak's well researched presentation. Do I have more sympathy with and understanding of Wallis Simpson, despite still not really liking her, Yes!An Atria Books ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A couple of months ago I listened to a great History Chicks podcast about Wallis Simpson that really piqued my interest, although I’ve always been on Team George VI, myself. One of the History Chicks’ great strengths is that — although always very thorough — they are never catty about their subjects, always sympathetic and empathetic. So, when NetGalley offered me an opportunity to read an ARC copy and review this bio, I was very eager to do so. The first thing to know about this book is that it is in no way, shape, or form an unbiased account. Pasternak is unabashedly Team Wallis & David from the very first page. This put me in the unusual position of mentally ‘answering back’ when Pasternak threw softballs at the duo. Wallis or David would do something rotten, then Pasternak would spend a couple sentences explaining exactly why they did it — because Wallis was under such a terrible strain, or because David just loved Wallis so darned much. I’m obviously not as empathetic or sympathetic as the History Chicks — I found Wallis & David to be a rather unlikeable pair. Pasternak conveys enough of their personalities to convince me why people who knew them really liked them. And she certainly managed to put to bed most of the really scurrilous rumors (which I never believed anyway). But they just weren’t estimable people, no matter how she tried to spin them. Charm is not the same as goodness. Wallis & David were charming, not good. They were self centered and greedy and, when given the chance to be useful, they almost always chose not to be. All that said, it was a heck of a fun, dishy read and I really enjoyed it. I’d certainly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this sort of thing.

I have been absolutely fascinated with Wallis Simpson from the first time that I heard of her. I've read all the books and watched every movie I could find about her and Edward, the Prince of Wales. I was so intrigued that a King would give up his throne for an American divorcee, who was not particularly attractive. As I read this book, it contains so much more than what we have been told. The drama of the relationship and their life is explained in detail. I believed he truly loved her. Giving up the crown was a duty, he felt he owed and was not given up lightly. After this happened, life wasn't one big party for them as they lived in exile a great deal of the time. I was honored to be able to read this book from Net Galley and Atria Publishing for a honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

A well written biography of Wallis Simpson. The author purports that Wallis wasn't all the nasty things that's have been said about her and that she never really wanted to marry Edward. She did not convince me. Wallis was not innocent and played a role in the demise of her second marriage and her affair with the king. Still, it's an interesting theory, but one I don't agree with. Thanks to Edelweiss for the advance read.

#NetGalley This was a very well researched and impressive book about Wallis Simpson and the former King Edward VIII. I am not exactly sure it was a new history, because most of the facts are known, but probably a somewhat different slant. However you present their affair, marriage, and life together it remains a tragedy and not happy reading.It was quite comprehensive, perhaps too much so, and offered perhaps new evidence for the rift between the Prince and former king and his brothers. Financial insecurity, the fact that "David's brother did not want to be King and the antipathy of King George's wife led to a lifetime estrangement. The book was very well done and painstakingly researched. I enjoyed the earlier chapters of Wallis' life prior to coming to England the best. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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