Jumat, 15 April 2016

Free Download , by Mark Twain

Free Download , by Mark Twain

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, by Mark Twain

, by Mark Twain

, by Mark Twain

Free Download , by Mark Twain

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, by Mark Twain

Product details

File Size: 1072 KB

Print Length: 60 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: October 31, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#371,298 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Mark Twain wrote this book to expose King Leopold's exploitation of the resources and the unfortunate people of Congo. Twain reveals King Leopold's atrocities in page after page. Why isn't this first genocide of the modern era ever mentioned in our popular media? Is it because its vast numbers of mutilated and murdered victims were African? Is it because their slavery and suffering enriched a powerful European monarch? Is it because, to the writers of history texts, Black Lives Do NOT Matter? What is in Twain's pamphlet should be common knowledge. There is no excuse for it not to be.

Excellent recap of one of the great evil actions in modern history. We must not forget the evil King Leopoldo and his henchmen did to the Congo.

Really interesting to see Twain as social activist and well written skewer of Leopold II and how he ruled the Congo. Unfortunately, the transfer to Kindle is truly horrible and very hard to read as a result.

Pretty historic stuff. Didn't know the history of the Congo and the horrible treatment of the inhabitants.

This fascimile version of the Twain's 1905 original is a tremendous piece of history. For those of us who decry the brutality taking place in the Congo today, it is tragic to read something that was written in 1905 that could easily have been written in 2013. Only the names of the actors have changed--but the killings, the mutilations, the rapes--these are all documented by Twain in a howl of rage he puts in the mouth of King Leopold. Leopold the butcher. Anyone with an interest in the modern day Congo; anyone with an interest in Twain; anyone with an interest in the legacy of King Leopold should read this pamphlet. Thank you to the folks at Kindle for reproducing it.

Nice quick read, I looked this up after reading King Leopold’s Ghost because I wanted to read what the best writer of his day had to say on the matter. It was a classy verbal smack down a well scripted assembly of the known facts written out in a manner as if the King himself was writing it in a defense of himself. An effective technique and given the current political embarrassment that occupies the White House I’m a little surprised this hasn’t inspired some current artist to write “Symphony for a billionaire” rap song but how times have changed I’m sure the strong clear voice of a Mark Train was heard all across Europe while today the noise and chatter is so loud and overwhelming no one would hear it and it would have no impact at all.

A must read book!

Great book!

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