Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

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Product details

File Size: 511 KB

Print Length: 36 pages

Publisher: Talent Writers (July 18, 2014)

Publication Date: July 18, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#825,368 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is an excellent read explains auto immune disease in full, from its discovery to the most latest treatment. As a sufferer of the condition, the author describes in great detail the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, from the onset of the condition to the point where the condition has taken a toll on the individual.The book teaches you how we all take everything for granted, from going up the steps of our apartment complex, to carrying groceries, to enjoying the benefits of a nice walk. It is completely understandable that the author would want to produce a venue where the illness can be detailed from beginning to end, giving hope and knowledge to other sufferers. It is a fantastic read for people who have been recently diagnosed and need the support, the want for hope, and the need for understanding that only another person with the condition can provide.

Nicole is a wife and mother who was battling an autoimmune disease known as multiple sclerosis. She kept a map of her body on the fridge door that showed all of her medical injection sites. One day she realized she had run out of places to inject her medicines. She was suffering severe mood swings. She couldn’t climb the stairs in her home anymore to tuck her daughter into bed. Then one day, she happened to be talking to her daughter’s sensei teacher. He also battled MS. He showed no symptoms of it. He told her it all had to do with her diet. So Nicole decided to do as he had done and started eating paleo, or otherwise known as the caveman diet. She explains how autoimmune diseases work and attack your body. A year after going paleo, Nicole was able to run a 5K. This book contains numerous paleo recipes and lists of foods that are edible on the diet. This book is inspiring and encouraging for those battling an autoimmune disease.

I gave this book a four star rating. It was interesting and a new way of thinking about this subject.lf you have this disease you probably enjoy the suggestions from this book.

This book shows the clear connection between autoimmune disease / M.S. It is debilitating and so painful.The book explores the effects of gluten, and the good effects of healthy eating. I don't think it was per chanceshe ran into her daughter's Sensei who at one time also suffered from this disease. I can imagine the hope andshock to find this out. There really is a way to rid yourself of this to a fulfilling life. Going home to a refrigerator posted self imagethat looked more like an injected dartboard, tears, release, hope. No more missing the simple and important thingsand events for those she loved lives. Eating whole foods "Paleo-Caveman" excercise , rest, all brought our authorto taking control to the best of her ability all the way to a 5K run! Incredible. Get on the band wagon if you're inthis situation or know someone who is. Treat yourself or someone to this inspiring true book!!

This book was an interesting read. Although I have heard of multiple sclerosis, I never knew there was so much based around it. This book is very educational, and informative of what you can do to help yourself turn around from these life ailments. Going back to the basics and bringing yourself back forward is an awesome way of seeing where you went wrong and how to align yourself. Foods play a major part in this process as every food has an effect on your body and its immune system. The diet the books suggest looks like a very helpful and reliable diet, and proves to make significant changes to the human body in the long run, giving you guidelines on what you can intake and how to best benefit you. This book is a definite read for anyone, especially those with multiple sclerosis or those unsure of inheritance.

It was very helpful in giving guidelines for foods and how they work with the body as well as talking about he role they play- it would be nice if there were some words on exercise.

I wish a lot of people would read this very interesting and get well soon as I am going to it and buy one for my nephew

This is a great book for anyone who has MS, or another auto-immune disease; or even just for someone who wants to start on the Paleo Diet plan. This book explains the food modifications necessary when you have MS, and it also has recipes to help you get started eating Paleo.





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