Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Free Download , by Camilla V. Saulsbury

Free Download , by Camilla V. Saulsbury

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, by Camilla V. Saulsbury

, by Camilla V. Saulsbury

, by Camilla V. Saulsbury

Free Download , by Camilla V. Saulsbury

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, by Camilla V. Saulsbury

Product details

File Size: 27597 KB

Print Length: 178 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1891105566

Publisher: Lake Isle Press, Inc. (October 7, 2015)

Publication Date: October 7, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#263,611 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've tried some of the recipes and found them easy to make and good tasting. The humuus made from chick pea flour is quite good, but lacks the body of that made from canned chick peas. Everything else I've tried is good. Keep the flour in the freezer and it will last at least 6 months if not more. I enjoyed this book to read as well as to make recipes from. My favorite chick pea flour is Bob's Red Mill- seems the freshest & tastiest.

I love the idea of using chickpea flour and was very excited to try it out, and this book has a very good into explaining why it's a great flour to use. I've tried several of the recipes from the book, though, and haven't been as impressed as I thought I'd be with the results. For baking, chickpea flour is very dry! I made the spiced date and honey bread, and found it to be super dry and not very flavorful. It could probably use some oil in the recipe. The lemon-blueberry muffins looked just like the picture and were ok, but tasted like corn muffins to me. Pumpkin-sage gnocchi had really no pumpkin flavor, but was fun to make (I had never made gnocchi before). I did like the sweet potato falafel, but a serving suggestion would be nice with this one. The desserts I made were chocolate fudge saucepan brownies (had a grainy texture was fairly crumbly, but flavor was fine) and browned butter blondies (which were super sweet and had a caramel-y texture). The roasted red pepper hummus I made tasted just like what you can get in the store, and though it was a little more work than what I've made in the past, the results were much better (smoother texture) than when I made it using canned garbanzo beans previously.As for content of the book, here are some general features I would like to see in a book like this:1. Pictures for every recipe! Not all of these foods are familiar to me, so pictures give a better idea of what you're dealing with.2. Nutritional information for the recipes! Especially since this is a book based on the premise that cooking with chickpea flour is a healthful way to prepare food, this seems like a glaring omission.3. A more detailed table of contents. It only lists the broad categories of dishes, not the names of individual dishes in the categories. The book does at least list the recipes at the beginning of each section, but even there it doesn't list the variations detailed in the margins of the recipes themselves, which basically make different dishes. (For example, the blueberry muffins can be transformed into lemon blueberry or browned butter raspberry muffins, and there are 7 different recipes for hummus in addition to the basic one which is only listed as "hummus" in the list of recipes. Those variations often sound better than the headlining recipe and would be useful to have in the outline.)So overall, I'm glad I have the book, and will continue to use it, but my initial expectation that cooking with chickpea flour would be as good if not better than using standard flour has been dampened. I have a different chickpea flour cookbook on order, and I'm hoping for more impressive results from that one.

A great guide for cooks desiring to eliminate wheat from their diet with healthy chickpeas. The recipes do not contain the multitude of strange and exotic ingredients that the gluten-free baking recipes do, only what you normally find in your kitchen and regular grocery store. That works for me!

I made the chickpea "flour" tortillas and they came out amazing!!! Very easy to do. Prep was simple. Can't wait to try out the rest of the recipes.

Coming from someone who can't have grains and most flour alternatives (almond, coconut, tapioca, etc.), this book is a lifesaver! Many of the recipes are familiar and versatile- double crusted pie (perfect for chicken pot pie), breadsticks, graham crackers, double chocolate cake, muffins, no-corn bread, dumplings (could be used in chicken and dumplings), fritters (donuts), biscuits, and so much more! The one recipe book I have where nearly every recipe is bookmarked. You must check out this book if chickpea flour is well-tolerated, and you're looking for more ideas! All the recipes we've made so far have been successes, and I'm eager to try more!

I love this book! The pictures are beautiful and so far, the recipes I've tried have been keepers. My husband and I have eaten very little meat for a long time, but a few years ago, we took the step of becoming lacto-vegetarian, and naturally beans are a staple for us. I first discovered chickpea flour a couple of years ago while searching for a tofu substitute for soy, as we avoid soy now for many years. (The chickpea tofu is fabulous!) The author has been very thoughtful in addressing the typical obstacles and has noted by the recipes appropriate variations (for example, for vegan). My favorite so far is the Chocolate Fudge Saucepan Brownies (no cocoa!).

Tried the thumbprint cookies and they were amazing. Been baking gingerbread, pumpkin pie, anise, and clove cookie versions of this same cookie with great success each weekend. Tried the suggested substitution of sunflower butter for tahini and that was amazing also. Great recipe. Also tried the bread sticks recipe. After storing in a glass jar for a few days they were fantastic! Hard and crispy and high protein. Can't wait to try more recipes - going to try a cracker recipe next.

I got this book and the library, and I put post-it notes in almost all the pages, so it is now on order. The first recipe I made was the pumpkin bread. After being gluten - deprived for so long, how wonderful to smell homemade bread in the oven on a cool fall day! I cut the sugar down from 1 1/2 C to 1 C and added a dropper of butter toffee stevia drops. Next time I will add more spices. The texture was fantastic. Can't wait to try more!

I'm finally accepting that my gut no longer tolerates refined wheat flour, whether soft and white or nutty whole-wheat. As a result, I'm exploring other grains. Almond flour (I prefer unblanched) has its uses but so often recipes for alternative flours also require a chemist's cabinet to make the flour "work". Not so with garbanzo flour...at least when you have this cookbook to guide you. Even if all you make are the "pancakes" that can be used as wraps or the half-sheet pan of thin "bread", it's a success. But then we get a selection of other ways to use it, still without the chemist's cabinet, and I'll probably work my through each recipe. The tips for recipe change-ups are helpful, and the recipes themselves aren't so complex and time consuming that just reading them is exhausting. Try the garbanzo flour and this cookbook to guide you along. You won't regret it.

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