Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Free Download , by Mireille Guiliano

Free Download , by Mireille Guiliano

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, by Mireille Guiliano

, by Mireille Guiliano

, by Mireille Guiliano

Free Download , by Mireille Guiliano

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, by Mireille Guiliano

Product details

File Size: 1170 KB

Print Length: 256 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0857521489

Publisher: Grand Central Life & Style (December 24, 2013)

Publication Date: December 24, 2013

Sold by: Hachette Book Group

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#368,150 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I just read the book ... and am totally disappointed. I am Swiss and have been living in the US since 1995. I don't like her lack of knowledge and how she portrays Americans and on a very personal note ... I find it utterly exhausting to be a French woman if she accurately assesses her fellow countrywomen. I would NOT buy the book again and it turned me off to read any other book she has written before. I am 60 and the title let me think that this book is all about the little secrets of French women without using all the botox, brand names skin care, etc. That is clearly not the case.

Ms. Guiliano seems to have gotten a bit complacent about her responsibility to her readers on this one, and I'm really surprised that her editors didn't hold her to a higher standard. French Women Don't Get Fat was a great read, choc full of specific, helpful tips, anecdotes that readers could relate to, even recipes. French Women Don't Get Facelifts is a chore to read. It doesn't flow well, and the thoughts are poorly organized, as if they had been jotted down on airplane cocktail napkins and typed up by an assistant. And the content itself is, well, so basic and trite as to be pretty much worthless. What happened? Not sure, but I really regret having spent money on this book. There's nothing here but Ms. Guiliano's brand, and she isn't doing it any favors. She really should have worked harder for her readers.

I enjoy reading anything Mireille Giuliano writes and according to this recent addition to her lineup, she is obligated by her publisher for another book beyond this one, which I will look forward to reading. I have a copy of all her previous offerings and look upon time spent with one of her chatty books as a pleasant part of my day.That being said, I got the impression this book was rather hurriedly dashed off between intercontinental trips. It seemed to hit the high spots, wasn’t much on detail, and although I can understand a rehash of some of her previous material for the benefit of new readers, I also felt she relied too heavily on past efforts. Frankly, I expected, and hoped for, a little more. So much more could have been done with this book, that would have been helpful, and a number of opportunities were missed to expand what it had to offer. I sincerely hope that her next book will not be a rehash of past material with a different title. My comments follow.Exercise: Walk, swim, climb stairs, do some yoga. All from previous books. Although she admits to now having added some Pilates exercises to the mix which she does at home, and mentioned strength training, she does not share her new found knowledge or anything of her personal routine with us. Disappointing. The most worthwhile part of this section was a detailed instruction regarding four yoga breathing exercises, which was very well done. Everything else was short on detail, hit the high spots.Diet: The author’s personal diet appears to be primarily vegetable, low protein, low carb, low calorie, heavy on dairy using that for a lot of the protein, which would not set well with a goodly percentage of the readership. The only alternative suggested was to eat Mediterranean, which we have been hearing from a variety of sources for the past 20-30 years.Recipes: This book has fewer recipes than any of her others, so there is not much in that department to whet anticipation.Makeup and Hair: Useful admonition to look appropriate for one’s age instead of like a circus clown with things that are too obvious, amusing anecdote to illustrate this. Typical advice from previous books to get a good, professional haircut several times a year, as well as professional color if gray is not for you.Supplements: Author displays fearfulness and lack of knowledge in this department. Could have done without this totally useless chapter that espouses the 1920’s ideal of getting everything from one’s food, and says nothing about the European bans on GMOs; organics, depleted soil and comparisons of nutritional value in food from 50 years ago versus today.Facelifts: Part of the title of the book and this chapter could be boiled down to, don’t get one because it won’t match the rest of you, just use creams and lotions the way my mother and grandmother did and you’ll be fine. To be perfectly honest, Raquel Welch’s book, which is available on Amazon, did a much better, more informative job with more detailed information on this subject, and I highly recommend it, Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage.Employment: Although a minor section toward the end, rather an afterthought, it should not have been included due to the lack of knowledge on the part of the author of the hardships the majority of people 50 and over face in the U.S. regarding employment during these times. I can understand that because the author’s life and finances insulate her from harsher realities, and this is part of the charm of her writing; however, it would also have been best to leave this bit out altogether.Advice from older women of her acquaintance: This is definitely an area of missed opportunity. These wise, elderly ladies of class and substance were briefly mentioned, all too briefly quoted, and served only to whet the appetite for an entrée that never appeared.

I absolutely adore Mireilles other books. I really do believe her culinary and diet/lifestyle tools are her forte. I ordered this book with the confidence of loving and owning her other three books. I have just finished reading the book and ended the last 20% of the book just flicking and skimming the pages. Her advice is very general and not at all specific like her previous. Like her other reads, I was expecting some real pearls of wisdom - best kept secrets! They did not exist. Just general talk about thing we really know. Dare I say it, I found the book even boring in most areas. I would not purchase this as a gift for a friend. There are much better beauty books out there! What a shame and a disappointment this book was...!

After Reading this book, I felt so much better about myself and learned a few tips and tricks to make myself feel so much better about my age and my face and my body. Thanks for such an enjoyable read. I definetely recommend this book for any women who may be feeling a little down about herself. This book will definetely pick your spirits up.

Excellent book. Very informative I have it in audio but I had to get the book because there is so much helpful information that I want to mark the pages and go back to it occasionally. I have also tried some of her recipes and they are actually very good. Its a great read for women of a certain age.

I liked this book very much because I'm directly affected by her advise and suggestions, if I take them. Mireille Guiliano is an excellent author. I loved her first book, French Women don't get fat and the logic behind the style of the French women and their everyday lives. They seem to evoke a "flair" that keeps them interesting and "alive". There are many good suggestions to help us in aging.

This is an enjoyable read. I like all the writers' work, but this does not really shed any light on anything new. Read it for enjoyment rather than any other reason...

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, by Mireille Guiliano PDF

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